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pgsqlite - Load SQLite databases into PostgresSQL

 pgsqlite is a pure python module and command line tool that makes it simple to import a SQLite database into Postgres, saving a ton of time and hassle in the process.

SQLite is amazing. In "In Praise Of SQLite" I describe why that is so. One of those reasons was extensibility:

in a sense extensibility is SQLite's biggest power; it adds unforeseen utility and value for its users, and we can witness many imaginative uses for it, provided by the community.

I then gave a list of such extensions.

But there's the other way too; not extending SQLite itself but extending third party products by means of SQLite. One such plugin is pgsqlite by Adam Fletcher of which allows for importing SQLite databases into Postgres seamlessly.

full article on i-programmer:

#python #community #database #sqlite #postgresql #postgres


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