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Showing posts from September, 2018

Deep Angel-The AI of Future Media Manipulation

Undeniably, we live in the era of media manipulation. Such powerful and accessible tools exist today that nearly everyone can do it. Now add to this collection Deep Angel, an artificial intelligence that can erase objects from photographs and videos. I was notified of  Deep Angel    around the time I was watching  Kill Switch , a futuristic and dystopic movie about our Earth getting cloned in order to suck the resources of the cloned planet, something that would sustain our world's energy needs for at least another millennium. To cut a long story short... full article on - JavaScript Enabled AI

Is JavaScript eating the world? Yes, with AI being heralded as the next major conquest in the language's boundary expansion. is a website that aims to serve this cause by becoming a host to the most inspiring examples of AI & JavaScript from across the web. Set up by the organizers of the  "AI JavaScript London" , a meetup interested in the impact of AI in all kinds of applications, the most recent being on  "Art,Music and Artificial Intelligence" ,  hosts projects which range from AI drum machines to NLP and using your voice for powering a calculator. full article on i-programmer

Perl-Framework Mojolicious in Version 8.0 erschienen - (German version on Heise Developers)

Dass Mojolicious nun auf einer Event-Schleife à la Node.js basiert, mag das hervorstechendste neue Feature des Webframeworks sein. Das hervorstechendste Merkmal des neuen Release ist laut Nikos Vaggalis auf " I Programmer ", dass Mojolicious nun auf einer Event-Schleife à la Node.js basiert. Dann ist auf die Einführung des "Mojo::Promise"-Moduls hinzuweisen, einer Perl-Implementierung des Promises-Konstrukts, die die Callback-Mechanismen für asynchrone Operationen vereinfacht und erweitert. Außerdem gibt es eine wesentliche Änderung im Core-Prozessmodell und zwar, dass Arbeitsprozesse eine beliebige Anzahl von Unterprozessen hosten können, um die Ausführung langsamer Operationen zu beschleunigen. full article on Heise Developers

Perl for the Web: Mojolicious 8.0 Released

Far gone are the days when you wrote Perl for the web in just CGI. Dancer, Catalyst and Mojolicious are the modern ways of going about it, with Mojo's version 8.0, code-named "Supervillain", being released just last week. Each framework has its own distinct advantages, with Dancer being considered the most lightweight and with the lowest entry barrier; and Catalyst being considered the most heavyweight and with a steep learning curve. Mojo floats somewhere in the middle, its own strongest point being its claim to be a  "Real time Web framework"  due to its Websockets and non-blocking/async capabilities provided out of the box. With that said, let's discover what Mojo's newest version has to offer. The most outstanding feature, given that Mojo is based on an Event loop à la NodeJS, is the introduction of the  "Mojo::Promise"  module, a Perl implementation of Promises that simplifies and enhances the asynchronous operations callback mechan

Is Java Still Free?

Given Oracle's attempts to regulate Java's use, it's no wonder that the debate between JDK and OpenJDK has led to doubt, that for some that even meant considering to jump the ship. Fortunately, the Java Champion Community, guardians of all things Java, has reacted to this awkard situation. Its attempt to clear up the uncertainty is by publishing a statement with the unambiguous title  Java Is Still Free . The document is work in progress getting updated as developments evolve, and comes in two versions; the short one that jumps straight to the takeaways, and the longer that gets behind the scenes before making any recommendations. full article on