There's now yet another reason to opt for Eclipse's Temurin version of OpenJDK among the rest of the builds - LTS support provided by Red Hat. There are so many builds of OpenJDK from a variety of vendors that it is difficult to tell them apart and to choose which to go for: OpenJDK builds by Oracle Adoptium Eclipse Temurin AdoptOpenJDK Azul BellSoft Liberica JDK IBM Semeru Runtime Amazon Corretto Microsoft Build of OpenJDK Alibaba Dragonwell SapMachine Red Hat OpenJDK GraalVM To that end, the Eclipse Foundation has launched the Adoptium Marketplace to provide a vendor-neutral home for the Java ecosystem that gives developers access to standard Java binaries from multiple sources, to make life just a little bit easier. As noted in "Eclipse Launches Java Binaries Marketplace", Mike Milinkovich, executive director of the Eclipse Foundation, said that the move was necessary in order to establish quality across OpenJDK: full article on i-programmer: https://www.i-program
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