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Showing posts from September, 2022

Eclipse Temurin OpenJDK Now Supported By Red Hat

 There's now yet another reason to opt for Eclipse's Temurin version of OpenJDK among the rest of the builds - LTS support provided by Red Hat. There are so many builds of OpenJDK from a variety of vendors that it is difficult to tell them apart and to choose which to go for: OpenJDK builds by Oracle Adoptium Eclipse Temurin AdoptOpenJDK Azul BellSoft Liberica JDK IBM Semeru Runtime Amazon Corretto Microsoft Build of OpenJDK Alibaba Dragonwell SapMachine Red Hat OpenJDK GraalVM To that end, the Eclipse Foundation has launched the Adoptium Marketplace to provide a vendor-neutral home for the Java ecosystem that gives developers access to standard Java binaries from multiple sources, to make life just a little bit easier. As noted in "Eclipse Launches Java Binaries Marketplace", Mike Milinkovich, executive director of the Eclipse Foundation, said that the move was necessary in order to establish quality across OpenJDK: full article on i-programmer: https://www.i-program

Jakarta EE 10 - A New Era For Java On The Cloud

 After a lot of iterations and false starts in terms of dates, Jakarta EE 10 is finally here and primarily focused on the Cloud and microservices. Jakarta EE finds itself mostly used in an Enterprise setting. That property is embodied in its name after all - EE for Enterprise Edition. Born in 2017 out of Java EE when Oracle contributed it to the Eclipse Foundation, it was subsequently relaunched as Jakarta EE as well as open-sourced. What it essentially represents, is Java's ability of modernizing, but at the same time keeping ties with the past - a quality highly sought after by those enterprise environments. At its core Jakarta EE is a both a framework and a collection of APIs mainly for developing Web services as well as enabling interoperability between distributed systems. Its versatility lies in that, while you can use it in building microservices, you can also use it in developing monoliths. In fact, Jakarta EE underpins many such infrastructure technologies: full article on

Wolfi Linux (Un)Distribution Secures The Software Supply Chain

 Chainguard, the co-creator of Sigstore, has just launched Wolfi, a community Linux (un)distribution that is built with the default security measures necessary for securing the software supply chain. wolfi1 The push for software supply chain integrity and transparency has left organizations struggling to build in software security measures like signatures, provenance, and SBOMs to legacy systems and existing Linux distributions. To that end, Sigstore is good but requires manual labor. There must be a better way of utilizing its facilities. And what better than package all the work in an immutable container? Chainguard’s new Linux (un)distribution and build toolchain, Wolfi, is doing exactly that. It produces container images that meet the requirements of the secure software supply chain; that is images already provided with signing and sensible defaults. Sensible defaults is certainly an answer to writing secure code. I discussed this notion when covering Semgrep, a tool that searches

Fundamental Cryptography in Theory and Python

 Learn to do Cryptography with Python and for free too. A course by computer scientist of ETH Zürich and cybersec expert Cyrill Gössi. He teaches the concepts of Cryptography with a practical approach. And what better way of exploring the four classic concepts of Cryptography, that is confidentiality, integrity, authenticity and non-repudiation, than with Python. Gössi developed this course with a few goals in mind. The first that by completing the course you would have gained a good understanding of cryptography as a tool to realize the aims of information security. The second would be to furnish good knowledge about the existing fundamental cryptographic primitives and an understanding of the security concerns associated with each of them. And, finally, the third goal would be to become able to apply that theoretical understanding of fundamental cryptography by using the various cryptographic primitives in Python full article on i-programmer:

Constellation - The First Confidential Kubernetes

 Edgeless Systems secure the cloud's workloads by releasing the first runtime encrypted Kubernetes, able to run on a multitude of cloud providers. Edgeless Systems is a pioneer in the world of Confidential Computing. Last year in "EdgelessDB - Taking Database Security To The Next Level", I covered its security-oriented database which is 100% compatible with MySQL and enhanced with confidential computing capabilities based on secure enclaves on Intel SGX chips. There was a lot of terminology to assimilate in that article and as a refresher:  An enclave in simple terms, is a hardware sandbox that provides runtime protection of the data it encloses. EdgelessDB uses it in order to execute trusted and secure code on untrusted environments such as cloud platforms and already there's an integration of EdgelessDB on the Azure platform. An enclave itself is, in fact, just an instruction in the CPU architecture provided by modern CPUs. Confidential computing is a concept that t

Use Rust To Reduce The Size Of Your SQLite Database

 Meet sqlite-zstd, a Rust library that compresses your database many fold, leading to great savings in size while conserving its search capabilities intact. As pointed out in "In Praise Of SQLite", SQLite is not a toy database: Despite its compact size and absence of the client server model, SQLite is a RDBMS with all the features that make something relational - that is tables, indexes, constraints, triggers, transactions and the like. However, there are few built-in functions compared to PostgreSQL or Oracle.  SQLite doesn’t have any compression features. This has changed with the Rust-based library, sqlite-zstd which promises to: provide transparent dictionary-based row-level compression that allows compressing a sqlite database's entries almost as well as if you were compressing the whole DB file, while at the same time retaining random access. Suffice it to say that we are all aware of the benefits of compressing data, be it that of a PDF document, a humble ZIP file

Java Or Python For Android - Why Not Both!

 Should You Choose Java or Python for Your Next Android Project? You don't have to with Chaquopy, the Python SDK that lets you write Android applications in Python which, thanks to support from Anaconda, has now become both free and open-source. Chaquopy is versatile. It allows you to write Android applications in full in Python or partially, together with Java. You can pick the most suitable tool for the part of the application at hand. Each approach has its own distinct advantages. If you have server backend that is written in Python you can now use Python for the front end as well without paying the penalty of context switching to another tool or language, or in lacking expertise in another stack. The extra boon is that you can use your favorite Machine Learning Python libraries like SciPy, OpenCV or TensorFlow solely on your client/mobile phone without connecting to the cloud. full article on IProgrammer:

Running PostgreSQL Inside Your Browser

 Yes it is possible thanks to, what else, WebAssembly.  And with it, the emergence of the Postgres playground, brought to us by Crunchy Data, with live-guided SQL exercises for any level. One of PostgreSQL's engineers had a crazy idea which he has now managed to realize.The idea came from the fact that it was possible to run SQLite inside your browser, so the reasoning was could the same happen for Postgres too? But compiling an embedded and small in size and scale DBMS to Webassembly (as sql.js does for instance) is one thing; compiling a full scale client-server one is another. Proof of that is, as the folks at Cruncy Data found out that the web browser simply did not offer the networking features that Postgres needed which was deemed a pretty big obstacle.Or was it ? full article on i-programmer :

Learn To Protect Your APIs By Hacking Them

 A free course from security expert Corey Ball will teach you all the techniques necessary to hack your APIs.The ultimate goal is to learn how to protect them by first identifying any undiscovered vulnerabilities. Alongside the motto "Software is eating the world", I would add "APIs are eating the Internet". It is estimated that 83% of internet traffic comes from  interaction with APIs -  therefore learning how to protect them is of the utmost importance. But given the lack of expert cybersecurity personnel, knowledge has to be gained from other sources, like this course for instance. APIsec University is hosted by Corey Ball, a true cybersec expert and author of the new book Hacking APIs - Breaking Web Application Programming Interfaces, published by No Starch Press. In that book he teaches how to go about: full article on i-programmer:

Microsoft Goes All Out On Java

Microsoft has released an update to VSCode that has support for Spring based applications. At the same time there's a new Microsoft website, a dedicated to Java. It's not just .NET any more, but the JVM too. Back in 2021,  in "Microsoft Jumps on the OpenJDK Bandwagon" we witnessed the beginnings of Microsoft's love affair with Java, when Microsoft released its own build of Java's OpenJDK. Why would Microsoft do that that when there are so many choices already? One reason is to establish a foothold on Java's market share.The other is that internally it uses Java a lot in its own infrastructure, especially its Azure ecosystem (Azure Spring Cloud, Azure App Service, Azure Functions, Azure Kubernetes), and for that it needs to have its own uniform and universal build applied to them. Of course, there's also the promotional incentive of pushing Azure to Java's developers, with Microsoft trying to lure them in,  even helping them to migrate their applica