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Showing posts from September, 2021

Unicode Version 14 Announced [It's not just about Emojis...]

 The venerable Unicode standard gets an update. We report the news and go behind the scenes with a brief look at the standard's philosophy and practical use. Most people stop thinking about Unicode at the introduction of new Emoji characters. However, the main purpose of the Unicode standard isn't just sharing expressive characters to be used on mobile apps just for fun; it also facilitates communication in every humanly readable language as well as supporting science and research with its scientific symbols and ancient language s cripts. full article on

Dissecting the 2021 Jakarta EE Developer Survey

  This survey comes from the Eclipse Foundation and provides technical insights into enterprise Java that give answers to questions like which Java based framework is on the rise, whether Java is used for Cloud native development and much more.   Jakarta EE provides a way to modernize infrastructure and reuse the developer pool of the aging(?) Enterprise Java developers in a new setting. We saw something like that in   Vaadin Reaches Version 21 , about the Vaadin framework which supports using the Java stack for writing both the back and front ends of Web applications, without having to learn Javascript or another client framework like Vue or Angular. This is an obvious advantage for those working with long-established code which albeit reliable, is that agile compared to lighter and more modern software development shops. full article on

Keep Track Of Java Features with JEP Search

  Here we have a very practical resource for sorting, searching and filtering Java JEPs. But before we get to the details, what exactly is a JEP and why should we care?   full article on

Vaadin Reaches Version 21

 The versatile full stack Java-based framework that is a competitor to Spring MVC, continues to innovate with its new release of v21. But first, what exactly is Vaadin? full article on

Understand Gradle In Half An Hour

  Gradle, the build automation tool for multi-language software development that is widely used for Android is notoriously difficult to use. To help, here's a YouTube playlist on "Understanding Gradle" that is straight to the point. It could also be given the title  "How to make Gradle less dreadful" . In  Love It or Hate It, Gradle Reaches Version 7.0  I put forward some reasons why Gradle is not the most user-friendly tool: cryptic syntax, contradictory terms (see compile versus implementation) and peculiar blocks of elements. Furthermore Gradle is a tool that: always stirs arguments among developers and according to Bruce Eckel, author of Thinking in Java, Thinking in C++ and Atomic Kotlin amongst others: To do anything in Gradle you have to know everything full article on

A Deep Dive Into PostgreSQL Indexes

  If you are at all confused about which of PostgreSQL index to choose for a specific use case, there's a  free course from Percona University designed to help you. This free Percona University short course about the different kinds of indexes PostgreSQL supports. is available as a collection of videos on YouTube as well as on Google Classroom. It goes over the different types of indexes, when to use each and how to usethem  optimally in order to squeeze performance out. The premise is that not all indexes are appropriate for all circumstances and using a ‘wrong’ index can have the opposite effect to that you intended.   full article on

Free Resources For Machine Learning

  A browser extension and two free courses, "Machine Learning with Graphs" from Stanford and "Introduction to Deep Learning" by Sebastian Raschka are three excellent resources for mastering Machine Learning.   full artice on i-programmer