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Showing posts from March, 2020

Getting Started With React For Free

Stuck at home with only the Internet for company? Learn the basics of React.js with this free class by Skillshare engineer, Daniel Nastase. No knowledge of React is needed, but basic knowledge of Javascript, HTML and CSS is required. The class comprises of 13-byte sized and hand-on videos and is split into two parts. The first part, videos 1-10 cover the fundamentals of React such as the components, state, css, rendering etc. All the lessons are compact and focus on a single topic. It's good and consistent organizing that does not wear the viewer out. In the second part, videos 11-13, you combine everything you've learned to build an example application. full article on i-programmer

GitTrends: GitHub Insights

GitTrends is an open source smartphone app to monitor the popularity of your GitHub repos that is really useful when you have a lot of repos to keep track of. Built with Xamarin the app runs on both iOS and Android devices and lets you monitor: on i-programmer

Tensorflow 2.0 In 7 Hours

Learn all about Tensorflow with this new 7-hour, information-packed and free course that not only shows how to apply Tensorflow 2.0 in your programs, also teaches the concepts of Machine Learning, AI and their core algorithms. All that in a simple and hands-on way. While it makes the concepts of ML and AI approachable,this video-based course is not addressed to total beginners at coding as it presumes at least basic knowledge in Python. full article on i-programmer

GitHub Mobile App Available

Written by Nikos Vaggalis     Thursday, 19 March 2020 After four months in beta, GitHub for Mobile is finally generally available, with fully-native experience on both iOS and Android. We put it through its paces to show what you can do with it. GitHub for Mobile was the major new product promising to bring collaboration tools to the small screen announced by Nat Friedman during his keynote at last year's GitHub Universe. The idea of the app is to give you the flexibility to move work forward and stay in touch with your team, wherever you are, with the ability to review code and merge changes from anywhere. While its arrival is exciting news, you have to understand the use case of the app. According to the official announcement: full article on i-programmer

TypeOfNaN JavaScript Quizzes

Learn JavaScript fundamentals through fun and challenging quizzes! This interactive quiz provides a total hands-on learning experience. It currently has 72 questions on a variety of Javascript concepts and more are being added. full article on i-programmer