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Showing posts from October, 2022

Azure CosmosDB for PostgreSQL Reaches General Availability

Microsoft's mutli-model distributed database for supporting workloads at scale. Now it has extended beyond NoSQL by adding support for PostgreSQL.  Azure thus becomes the first cloud provider to offer its own single database service that supports both relational and NoSQL workloads. So how do you use it with Postgres? full article on i-programmer:

Learn Machine Learning Algorithms From Scratch With Python

 Learn to implement 10 Machine Learning algorithms from scratch with just Python and NumPy. A library hides the implementation details and if you're really looking to understand what goes behind the covers and understand how things work, this course has you covered. This is a course by AssemblyAI where you don't rely on libraries like Pytorch or Tensorflow to implement the Machine learning algorithms but you implement them yourself from scratch with nothing but Python and NumPy. full article on i-programmer:

Take The ETH Zürich Big Data Course For Free

A great course on everything Big Data taught at ETH Zürich University by Professor Ghislain Fourny. The recorded lectures of fall 2021 are up on Youtube for everyone to enjoy. The notion behind Big Data that this course adopts is that : Information society has to turn data into information, information into knowledge, knowledge into value. This has become increasingly complex. Data comes in larger volumes, diverse shapes, from different sources. Data is more heterogeneous and less structured than forty years ago. Nevertheless, it still needs to be processed fast, with support for complex operations. The course revolves around the database technologies and the most important database design principles that lay the foundations of the Big Data universe. These are distributed storage, the syntax, models, validation, processing, indexing, and querying, all fitted to the Big Data model. Looking more into them we find that they are expanded into : full article on i-programmer: https://www.i-p

PostgreSQL 15 Released - What's New

 The long awaited release of the most popular advanced open source database is finally here carrying many bells and whistles. It includes performance improvements on managing workloads in both local and distributed deployments and enchantments that will also make the developers out there happy. Let's start with the highlight of the release, which arrived on October 13, the introduction of the MERGE statement. It's not just a more convenient way of doing SELECT followed by UPDATE/INSERT, an operation that would be transmitting the selected rows over the network and keeping the rows in-memory on the client side. With MERGE, you now keep the rows in-memory on the server without incurring the network penalty. full article on i-programmer:

Check your Java with Error Prone

 Error Prone is a new Java compiler plugin created by Google which checks your code for common errors at compile-time. Not does only Error Prone identify issues but suggests their fixes too by analyzing the code’s abstract syntax tree (AST). An example from the official documentation will make its use clear : full article on i-programmer:

Memorial University's Intro to Game Programming

 Sub-titled, "Make your own 2D game engine using C++ and ECS". This is a course for students interested in learning the fundamentals of game programming and game engine architecture. The full course taught by Professor David Churchill is being made available for free on YouTube. I say 'is being' and not 'has been' because it is ongoing with two lectures per week being recorded and posted online. As of writing this piece, the first 10 are available, of a total of 23. In it you learn game programming and more specifically how to make your own 2D game engine using C++ and ECS. But first of all what is ECS? ECS is an architecture for making Games and stands for Entity Component System: full article on i-programmer:

Scrape The Web With Crawlee

 Crawlee is an open source web scraping and browser automation library for Node.js designed for productivity. Made by Apify, the popular web scraping and automation platform. Crawlee is the successor to Apify SDK and escaped Apify's labs after 4 years in development. While the Apify SDK was always open source, the library's name caused users to think its features were restricted to the Apify platform, which was not true. For that reason, the Apify SDK was split into two libraries, Crawlee and Apify SDK. full article on i-programmer:

pgsqlite - Load SQLite databases into PostgresSQL

  pgsqlite is a pure python module and command line tool that makes it simple to import a SQLite database into Postgres, saving a ton of time and hassle in the process. SQLite is amazing. In "In Praise Of SQLite" I describe why that is so. One of those reasons was extensibility: in a sense extensibility is SQLite's biggest power; it adds unforeseen utility and value for its users, and we can witness many imaginative uses for it, provided by the community. I then gave a list of such extensions. But there's the other way too; not extending SQLite itself but extending third party products by means of SQLite. One such plugin is pgsqlite by Adam Fletcher of which allows for importing SQLite databases into Postgres seamlessly. full article on i-programmer: #python #community #database #sqlite #postgresql #postgres

The Java Logging Battleground Gets Two New Updates

 New releases of two popular APIs update Java's logging battleground. Battleground because there are two front runners. The two APIs in question are SLF4J 2.0.0 and Log4j 2.19.0. First of all, let's meet them both. SLF4J stands for Simple Logging Facade for Java and is an interface for various logging backend frameworks like java.util.logging, logback, log4j and log4j2 so that applications can use any of them interchangeably without changing code. However, despite SLF4J's portability and in order to work with it, each backend framework requires a specific config file, something that has raised question of whether SLF4J is actually that useful; if that is the case why not just go straight for an implementation like log4j directly, forgoing SLF4J completely? It's a valid argument, but the real value of SLF4J is for people producing libraries and you don't want to force a specific logging framework onto your clients. The SLF4J abstraction allows the consumer to choose

Tackle CMU's Intro To Database Systems For Free

 Carnegie Mellon is one of the top universities for computer science and offers a wide selection of database courses. Its 15-445/645 Intro To Database Systems is a project-oriented course that provides an introduction to the internal architecture of database systems.  Here's the opportunity to watch its recorded lectures of fall 2021 complete with homework and accompanying material. All available for free. full article on i-programmer:

Helidon For Microservices Flies High

 Helidon, the open source microservices framework by Oracle, has been updated to version 3. At the same time a new side project, Helidon Nima, introduces virtual thread support. Helidon sprang up back in 2018 from the lack of agility of Java/Jakarta EE in building microservices. Sure you could do that, but not in the most efficient way. Thus at Oracle they thought of a framework designed from the ground up for building microservices would be more efficient. In order to stay close to the Java EE spirit, Helidon was made to implement the Microprofile standard, widely used in Java EE environments. full article on i-programmer: