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Showing posts from June, 2018

Actian X/Ingres - Working around the limitations of the GLOBAL TEMPORARY/SESSION TABLES

An attempt to work around the Limitations of Database Procedures when used with Global Temporary Tables Successfully tested on  Ingres II 9.2.0 (int.lnx/118)NPTL On Ingres II 10.0.1 (a64.lnx/100)NPTL returns error: E_SC0206 An internal error prevents further processing of this query.     Associated error messages which provide more detailed information about     the problem can be found in the error log, II_CONFIG:errlog.log Code on GitgHub

EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum Blockchain AMA

The EU Blockchain Observatory is a recent initiative, launched in February 2018, which is backed by the European Commission with the primary aim of educating the EU's public on Blockchain technology.This very interesting AMA really served that purpose by answering  the public's challenging questions, which were mainly tweeted under the #AMABlockchain hashtag. Educating the public aside, the forum's two other objectives are to accelerate the application of this technology at a pan-European level and to push for cooperation between member states to materialize uses cases and scenarios backed by Blockchain. The AMA started smoothly tackling lightweight questions, such as  "what is the Blockchain technology?"  or  "where is a Bitcoin stored?" , (answer:  "on every computer in the Blockchain network" ), continuing with what a blockchain Node is and what does a Miner do. Other questions revolved around which Consensus algorithms does a blockchai

European Perl Conference In Glasgow, Massive Summer Event

Yes, with more than 50 talks, workshops and networking events, YAPCEU:: 2018 promises to be massive. Not  everything will be strictly about Perl 5 and 6, sessions on ethics, career building and recruiting are also included. The workshops, which include training most notably by GeekUni and Dave Cross, have been finalized and are: Perl related: GeekUni - "Using databases with DBIx::Class" , 240 minutes long, requires knowing both Perl and SQL GeekUni - "Object Oriented Perl 5" , a 240 minutes long session to transcend from the default minimal OO system to Moo and Moose DrForr - "Introduction to Perl 6" , a whooping 540 minutes long session on Perl 6 fundamentals Career/Character building: full article on

Single Page Application with Perl Dancer

Of course Gabor needs no introduction, but it's worth mentioning that his is a later attempt of publishing a book on the Dancer framework in general. The first one, which I covered in  Help Kickstart First Ever PerlDancer Book , was initiated by the Dancer's core devs themselves who unfortunately couldn't generate enough traction therefore the fund raising campaign failed. Fortunately this second campaign by Gabor proved successful to the point of exceeding its financial goals. From the start you sense that it's going to be a very practical and hands-on tutorial as it doesn't waste any time and jumps straight to setting up the development environment using Vagrant and a Linux VM.Interesting choice considering that nowadays most use Docker, but probably done so because Docker is mainly directed to containerization of applications and not to that of full blown OSs. So after setting up the environment we are next suggested two ways of installing Dancer.The first o