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Showing posts from 2014

All about Mojolicious – interview of Sebastian Riedel part 2

Does the dependency free nature of Mojolicious act as an invitation to people familiar with other frameworks (i.e. Ruby on Rails) and languages (i.e. PHP)? That aside, what other factors/features would lure such developers to the framework? SR: The dependency free nature of Mojolicious is actually more of a myth, the truth is that installing Mojolicious is simply a very fast and pleasant experience. One of the ways in which we’ve done this, is to make hard to install 3rd party modules like IO::Socket::SSL and Net::DNS::Native optional. full interview on Josettorama

All about Mojolicious – interview of Sebastian Riedel part 1

Our journey into the world of Perl’s Web frameworks would not be complete without Mojolicious, therefore we talked to Sebastian Riedel, Mojolicious’ mastermind and Catalyst’s original founder. We looked at Mojolicious’ history: why Sebastian left Catalyst for Mojolicious , present: what does the framework actually do , the project’s future: Sebastian’s long-term plans , and whether Perl6 will have an effect on the project. We also get more technical with questions like why not opt for a DSL like Dancer does, what is meant by ‘real time web framework’ , whether the framework is dependency free and much more. full interview on Josettorama

Geekuni Dancer Web Development Course

The Web Development course sets out to teach you Dancer 2, a topic that will be unfamiliar to most. When starting out with something new you have the choice of possibly a book, if there is one, rely on the manual (good luck with that) or follow the sparse tutorials found in the blogosphere. Unstructured, time consuming, just not easy. What better way to get started than following a rapid, carefully planned curriculum, with structured, cohesive material and real world value? That’s exactly where this web based course steps in. full review on i-programmer

Git and GitHub LiveLessons video - review

How does a video course compare to a book when it comes to mastering Git? I'll admit it. I started watching this set of videos in an unorthodox way. I began with Lesson 5 looking to find an answer to a specific question I had currently in mind : to merge or to rebase? Fortunately it just took a couple of minutes getting to a very clear answer, beating by far the time I would had to spend reading and comprehending a book. It’s an area where video as a medium has the advantage. It allows a rapid way for leveraging the speaker’s experience in presenting the ways an application works. And the good start certainly looked promising. full review on i-programmer

Architecture Issues For eHealth Interoperability - epSOS

What architecture do you need to establish the flow of patient medical data, stored in different ways and languages, across country boundaries? The solution involves a common intermediate structure and open sourced components to make implementation by many different countries easier. epSOS – European Patients Smart Open Services – is the main European electronic Health (eHealth) interoperability project co-funded by the European Commission and 47 beneficiaries. It focuses on improving medical treatment of citizens while abroad by providing health professionals with the necessary patient data   Full article on i-programmer

Mastering Perl 2nd ed Book review

This is a book for experienced Perl programmers, who should at least have read the other two books of the trilogy, Learning Perl and Intermediate Perl. Even if you do belong to that category, you will probably find this book requires some effort. Apart from demonstrating some coding techniques, this book is not about coding applications but rather about describing the infrastructure necessarily for building faster, better, maintainable programs. Review on i-programmer

All about Dancer – interview of Sawyer X

After we looked into Catalyst, we continue our exploration of Perl’s land of Web Frameworks, with Dancer.We talk about it to one of the core devs, Sawyer X, who kindly answered our questions in a very detailed and explanatory way, rendering the interview enjoyable and comprehensible even by non techies. The interview, which spans three parts (to be published weekly), did not stop there however; we also asked his opinion and knowledge on finer grained aspects of the craft that is developing for the Web, such as what the advantage of routing over query strings is, MVC vs Routes, Perl vs PHP vs Ruby, and why must die! Full interview on Josettorama

C# Guru - An Interview With Eric Lippert

Eric Lippert's name is synonymous with C#. Having been Principal Developer at Microsoft on the C# compiler team and a member of the C# language design team he now works on C# analysis at Coverity. If you know C# then the name Eric Lippert will be synonymous with clear explanations of difficult ideas and insights into the way languages work and are put together. However this didn't stop our interviewer Nikos Vaggalis (NV) from ranging over topics as diverse as the future of C#, asynchronous v parallel, Visual Basic and more.  Read on because you are sure to find something to interest you about C#, languages in general or just where things are headed. Full interview at i-programmer

All about Catalyst – interview of Matt S. Trout (Part 3 of 3)

What about the other Perl frameworks, Dancer and Mojolicious? How do they compare to Catalyst? Dancer’s big strength is making things quick and easy for smaller apps; you don’t have to think in terms of OO unless you want to and plugins generally shove a bunch of extra keywords into your namespace that are connected to global or per-request variables. Where Catalyst doesn’t have an exact opinion about a lot of the structure of your code but very definitely insists that you pick one and implement it, Dancer basically lets you do whatever you like and not really think too much about it . That really isn’t meant as a criticism: somewhere along the line I picked up a commit bit to Dancer as well and they’ve achieved some really good things – providing something that’s as little conceptual overhead as possible for smaller apps, and something where there’s a very direct mapping between the concepts involved and what’s actually going to happen in terms of request dispatc

All about Catalyst – interview of Matt S. Trout (Part 2 of 3)

Does all that flexibility come at a price? The key price is that while there are common ways to do things, you’re rarely going to find One True Way to solve any given problem. It’s more likely to be “here’s half a dozen perfectly reasonable ways, which one is best probably depends on what the rest of your code looks like”, plus while there’s generally not much integration specific code involved, everything else is a little more DIY than most frameworks seem to require. I can put together a catalyst app that does something at least vaguely interesting in a couple hours, but doing the sort of 5 minute wow moment thing that intro screencasts and marketing copy seem to aim for just doesn’t happen, and often when people first approach catalyst they tend to get a bit overwhelmed by the various features and the way you can put them together. There’s a reflex of “this is too much, I don’t need this!”. But then a fair percentage of them come back two or three years later, have

All about Catalyst – interview of Matt S. Trout (Part 1 of 3)

We talk to Matt S. Trout, technical team leader at consulting firm Shadowcat Systems Limited, creator of the DBIx::Class ORM and of many other CPAN modules, and of course co-maintainer of the Catalyst web framework. These are some of his activities, but for this interview we are interested in Matt’s work with Catalyst. Our discussion turned out not to be just about Catalyst though. While discussing the virtues of the framework, we learned, in Matt’s own colourful language, what makes other popular web frameworks tick, managed to bring the consultant out of him who shared invaluable thoughts on architecting software as well as on the possibility of Perl 6 someday replacing Perl 5 for web development. We concluded that there’s no framework that wins by knockout, but that the game’s winner will be decided on points, points given by the final judge, your needs. Full interview on Josettorama