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Showing posts from April, 2017

Kite - Smart Copilot For Programmers

The best products and ideas always spring out of identifying and addressing a general and widespread need. In the case of programming it's the time required when coding for searching the Internet for relevant documentation and code samples. Kite was invented to address those needs and looks set to become very popular among the programmer tribe; well the Python ones at the moment but Kite's engineers are looking into adding support for languages like C#, Java and Javascript to widen their audience. So how does actually Kite help a programmer in becoming more productive? Kite sits next to your favourite code editor, Atom, Sublime Text 3, IntelliJ and PyCharm are currently supported, monitoring what you actually type in order to display highly relevant information. full article on i-programmer

CodeStar to Simplify Development On AWS

For developers the most important announcement made at last week's AWS Summit was CodeStar, which is intended is to enable you to quickly develop, build, and deploy applications on AWS. CodeStar is thus an attempt to fix the tedious process of setting up your development infrastructure on the AWS platform, which we uncovered in the AWS for the Impatient  series of articles "The problem with entering the AWS world for the first time is that it's like entering a labyrinth, a futile attempt of navigating through an endless maze of documentation, policies, endpoints, services, tokens and authentications. The task of having to hook all that up in order to get on with your job is daunting."   To alleviate this situation, Codestar provides a set of preconfigured project templates and by taking care of all the necessary permissions, where AWS is particularly picky, "so you don't need to create or manage complex IAM policies". full article on

Insider's Guide To Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree Part 2

Continuing the journal charting my progress through Udacity's course for intermediate Java programmers, we come to the second module - the final stage of project Popular Movies. Here we add  functionality to produce a fully featured application that looks and feels natural on the latest Android operating system. But before that, let's do a short recap on what we've accomplished in Stage 1 . Up to this point, our application can : Fetch data from the Internet with theMovieDB API. Use adapters and custom list layouts to populate list views. Incorporate libraries to simplify the amount of code you need to write. Present the user with a grid arrangement of movie posters upon launch. Allow your user to change sort order via a setting; the sort order can be by most popular or by highest-rated. Allow the user to tap on a movie poster and transition to a details screen with additional information such as: original title, movie poster image thumbnail, a plot syno