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Graphcool Eases Your Way Into GraphQL

GraphQL, dubbed by many as REST's successor, is a query language in which you can query database driven, JSON schema-exposed APIs. The problem is that because it is so different from REST, getting the hang of GraphQL when starting out is not that easy.
But why go the trouble now that there are cloud-based FaaS (Framework as a Service) services such as Graphcool which take the pain out of the process of setting up, configuring, running and testing your GraphQL backend?
Graphcool is a newly established GraphQL backend for mobile and web developers that lives on the AWS cloud:
  • Data is persisted in a high-availability cluster of AWS Aurora databases combined with a Redis-powered caching layer.
  • Files are securely stored in Amazon S3 and can be accessed through a fast CDN.
  • Business Logic is implemented as serverless functions and deployed to AWS Lambda.
  • Website Hosting uses Netlify's CDN.
and lowers the entry barrier in getting into GraphQL.

With Graphcool you don't have to write any code in order to set up your GraphQL infrastructure;everything is performed visually through the Console, a web based point and click designer which generates the underlying code conforming to your design and specifications. Of course, that does not rule out text based editing, quite the contrary.

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