New NodeJS Database Driver for Oracle Released
Version 5.4 of node-oracledb, the Node.js and TypeScript module for accessing the Oracle Database, has been released and is available from npm.
The node-oracledb add-on for Node.js allows applications to be written in TypeScript, or directly in JavaScript. Version 5.4 connects Node.js 14, or later, to an Oracle Database.
Last month in "New Database Drivers for Oracle and PostgreSQL Released" w looked at another recent driver release for the Oracle database, but for another language - Python. That driver had a major name change from cx_Oracle to python-oracledb to signal the change that the new driver is a thin driver and therefore makes no use of the Oracle Client libraries. As such it was aligned with the rest of the language*-oracledb naming schemes as node-oracledb does.
full article on i-programmer: