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Azul's Cloud Native Compiler - Why Share The JIT Compiler?

 Azul's Cloud Native Compiler is targeted at organizations with multiple dev teams who share a common environment. Instead of compiling on their local machines, the process is offloaded to a cloud that shares a JIT compiler. Why is that beneficial?

As we all know, when compiling code on the JVM there's a JIT compiler that turns the bytecode into machine code. Typically this happens locally at each dev's PC. What Azul offers is to offload this JIT compilation to a cloud-native Kubernetes-based compiler; this has distinct advantages over lone local compilation.

Firstly the local resources are not stressed as much because they now engage less CPU and RAM resources. Another advantage is that as a lot of libraries and code is common amongst local dev machines, sharing their compilation in a common repository allows for caching, better dynamic resource optimization, faster compilation and less memory requirements.

full article on i-programmer:


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