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Fable - Write Front-end apps for the Web in F#

 How would it sound to be able to write front-end apps for the Web in  functional style and with type safety? Enter Fable, a F# to Javascript compiler with both those in mind. Fable transpiles F# to ES2015 JavaScript so code written in F# can run anywhere JavaScript runs - the browser, Node.js, Electron,React Native or generally V8.

Yes of course with Typescript you can have type safety when transpiling to Javascript and since Fable does the same for F#, in terms of performance they should be equivalent. The difference is in the language itself. Although F# is a multi-paradigm language, it's big advantage is its concise syntax which renders it much easier to read and comprehend, and its default properties of immutability, rich types which let you easily represent your data or your domain and powerful pattern matching abilities for defining complex behaviors.

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