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The Insider's Guide to the Java Web Developer Nanodegree - 3

 In our ongoing in-depth coverage of the upskilling program that will enhance your career prospects as a Java web developer, we move onto the third lecture in the series, "Web Services and APIs" .

But before doing that, a few words about last chapter's final project "SuperDuperDrive", a personal storage app that allows users to store files, personal notes, and website credentials for a new company in the cloud storage business.

As with every Nanodegree project, this one was challenging and offered a great opportunity to sharpen the skills gained. From the students' part it required a lot of research, that is a lot of googling around and reading the official documentation. I've even used things not covered in the class like RequestParams, Redirection, RedirectView, RedirectAttributes and Forwarding, which I nicely blended with my Controllers.

full article on i-programmer


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