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Udacity's Developing Android Apps with Kotlin

Kotlin is everywhere, well at least for Android. This new Udacity course shows how developing for the platform has radically changed.
Java people, things don't look that good. Since our epic journey through the Android Developer Nanodegree, things have changed a lot, dramatically a lot.Caveat, to be able to follow along this course you have to first know Kotlin, if not then it's best to start with a course purely on Kotlin such as the Udacity Kotlin BootCamp for Programmers, which is free. Alternatively get a copy of The Programmer's Guide To Kotlinpart of the I Programmer Library and newly available as a print replica Kindle Edition.
Saying that, it's not just the introduction of Kotlin that has changed the face of development but the whole revamping of the platform, the libraries and the way of building apps. Admittedly, developing for the platform has never been an easy task to undertake. Memory leaks, notorious Fragment handling and Asynchronous programming, transaction exceptions, orientation changes, Listeners everywhere, fragmentation of version releases, confusion regarding the correct versions of libraries etc had rendered the correct building apps for Android a difficult proposition. 


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