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A MIT Crash Course On Hacker Tools

MIT has provided an online version of crash course on navigating the command line, using a text editor and version control, automating mundane tasks, managing packages and software and configuring your environment. 
Being at least familiar with the command line and knowing how to set up a programming environment is an essential aspect of today's college classes, even not those directly associated
with Computer Science.This MIT class, originally presented on-campus during the winter break, aims to fill that gap by familiarizing students to those handy computing practices.
We've felt the importance of that in the article "How To Successfully Teach Computing Disciplines To The Uninitiated" where we saw how you can turn a student with little background in computation into a competent programming computer user, witnessing how SciNet, the supercomputer department of the University of Toronto, teaches computing disciplines to graduate students in emerging fields such as computational biology and computational medical science:


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