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The Enduring Influence Of Postgres

A historical recollection of the Postgres project and its impact on the DBMS industry provides an insight into the key features of the object-relational database as conceived by Mike Stonebraker.

Looking Back at Postgres,  freely available as an pdf, is an essay that also forms part of the just released book "Making Databases Work The Pragmatic Wisdom of Michael Stonebraker". It comes from Joseph M. Hellerstein, a prominent research member of the UC Berkeley Postgres project, which was led by the Stonebraker think tank from the mid-1980's to the mid-1990's, and takes us on a magnificent tour through the evolution of the Postgres project. During that journey, Hellerstein pauses on its milestones to elaborate on its forward thinking that planted the roots of the technologies that shape the database industry today, decades after the project's conception.

full article here


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