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Headless Chrome and the Puppeteer Library for Scraping and Testing the Web

With the advent of Single Page Applications, scraping pages for information as well as running automated user interaction tests has become much harder due to its highly dynamic nature. The solution? Headless Chrome and the Puppeteer library.
While there's always been Selenium, PhantomJS and others, and despite headless Chrome and Puppeteer arriving late to the party, they make for valuable additions to the team of web testing automation tools, which allow developers to simulate interaction of real users with a web site or application.
Headless Chrome is able to run without Puppeteer, as it can be programmatically controlled through the Chrome DevTools Protocol, typically invoked by attaching to a remotely running Chrome instance:
chrome --headless --disable-gpu
Subsequently loading the protocol's sideckick module 'chrome-remote-interface' which provides  a simple abstraction of commands and notifications using a straightforward JavaScript API, one can execute  JavaScript scripts under a local Node.js installation.
From the official documentation, here is an  example that navigates to and saves a screenshot as example.png::
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
(async () => {
  const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
  const page = await browser.newPage();
  await page.goto('');
  await page.screenshot({path: 'example.png'});
  await browser.close();
But since there's 'chrome-remote-interface' already, what does Puppeteer do differently? Puppeteer offers a higher level API to the CDP than the one made available by 'chrome-remote-interface'.


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