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Showing posts from October, 2019

Perl Unicode Forensics

Are character encodings and environment incompatibilities messing with the your data? Why it happens and what to do about it.  A SOAP message is delivered to an Apache server which runs a SOAP::Lite powered Perl CGI script that acts as the SOAP server. The script interacts with Ingres, reading and inserting data. Both Perl and Ingres are fined tuned to speak iso8859/7 Greek. The issue was that the same CGI script produced different results when run under different servers. In the first case the Greek characters sent by the client and consumed by the server are getting into the database as they should do, while in the second case the very same data under the same workflow ends up as "garbage".That is, for example, Greek character capital A, or alpha, ends up as sequence "Γ\201". full article on i-programmer

Cyber.dic - Spellchecking For Tech Terms and Acronyms

Tired of your word processor red squiggling perfectly acceptable technical terms and acronyms? The cyber.dic spellcheck dictionary puts an end to that!  Default spellcheck dictionaries do not include the niche technical terms that most security professionals need to use in their emails, reports, and presentations. Cyber.dic solves that problem by augmenting your word processor’s dictionary with more than 1,700 terms that are likely to be treated with a red underline in your documents. full article on i-programmer

Perl and Raku Both Anticipating Newfound Glory

Perl 6 is going to be renamed to Raku. What will that change herald?  Despite Perl 6 starting out as a community rewrite, Larry Wall still possessed the rights to the name. As such despite the name change calls from prominent and core members of the project's development community, which were funneled into pull requests on its GitHub repository, Larry's approval was still required. He finally gave in in replying to pull request  Path to raku   in Biblical fashion: full article on i-programmer

Learn Python with Microsoft or the University of Michigan

Python is on the rise, predicted soon to overtake Java as the most popular programming language on the Tiobe index. Should you catch up? Yes you should. From general programming, to APIs and web backends to Data Science,  Python shows its strength and versatility. Even Microsoft is looking beyond its .NET wunderkids and shows love with supporting Python deep within its popular IDE's of Visual Studio and VS Code and  even in Windows 10 . The love does not stop there though.It offers educational material in the shape of 44-part YouTube video based course aptly named  "Python for Beginners" . full article on i-programmer