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Showing posts from May, 2018

3 take-aways from Jon Skeet’s Hashnode AMA

It’s a question that’s been bugging me now and then.When I heard that Jon Skeet, a Stackoverflow core member, book writer and educator, as such the perfect authoritative source to answer this question, was going to give an AMA on March the 29th over at Hashnode, I jumped right in: Is Stackoveflow creating hordes of copy and paste programmers, hindering truefull education or is it the other way around, that is complementing education? JS: I expect it’s a mixture,........ full article on Medium

An alternative source of acquiring job worthy skills : The Sandwich course

Since employers expect a candidate with both a diploma and hands-on experience, the problem has always been how to acquire that work experience while at the same attending college.The Sandwich scheme then, in in effect in many UK Universities, is a successful attempt in compromising those two requirements. Usually a BSc diploma lasts for 3 academic years.In many cases you have the option to go for the Sandwich scheme.This adds another academic year because you now use the 3rd year to gain real work experience instead of spending it at the premises of the University.That way you “gain the skills that employers want so you’ll be prepared for the workplace when you graduate”. The transition to the sandwiched year...... full article on Medium

Udacity's Android Developer Nanodegree Updated To Android Architecture Components

Udacity's Android Developer Nanodegree gets up to speed with Android Architecture Components with an important update. This recognizes that the components are growing in popularity and can  even be considered the modern way of doing things on the platform. This new class talks us through the four subtopics that comprise the Architecture Components: 1. The Room persistence library  - an ORM for easier interaction with a backend database. 2. LiveData  - based on RxJava and the Observer pattern so that the UI can be  automatically updated upon any change happening to the underlying data store. 3. ViewModel  - Caching and preserving data/state during configuration changes. 4. Lifecycle Aware Components  - to make objects that haven't got a lifecycle (as defined by the platform) to become lifecyle aware. full article on

Book Review:Single Page Application with Perl Dancer

Of course Gabor needs no introduction, but it's worth mentioning that his is a later attempt of publishing a book on the Dancer framework in general. The first one, which I covered in  Help Kickstart First Ever PerlDancer Book , was initiated by the Dancer's core devs themselves who unfortunately couldn't generate enough traction therefore the fund raising campaign failed. Fortunately this second campaign by Gabor proved successful to the point of exceeding its financial goals. From the start you sense that it's going to be a very practical and hands-on tutorial as it doesn't waste any time and jumps straight to setting up the development environment using Vagrant and a Linux VM.Interesting choice considering that nowadays most use Docker, but probably done so because Docker is mainly directed to containerization of applications and not to that of full blown OSs. full review on

Udacity Kotlin BootCamp for Programmers

Undoubtedly there is a lot of hype surrounding the new kid on the block, Kotlin. Even so, it is currently welcoming ever increasing waves of Java migrants to the extent that starting out with Java for the Android platform is about to become outdated. But why Kotlin? Kotlin is an expressive programming language with lambdas, coroutines, properties, object and functional constructs and advanced features all built in. It is statically typed, just like Java, and seamlessly interoperates with any given Java library in order to leverage the vast functionality found in Java's ecosystem. full article on