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Showing posts from November, 2013

SQL Workshop - Subselects And Join

SQL Workshop is where we confront the type of problems SQL devs face on a day to day basis. The example here is based on a real problem encountered in Ingres - but it has been simplified for the purpose of illustration. What do you do when you can't use a subselect within a Join? Full article here (i-programmer)

Exam Ref 70-483: Programming in C# book review

This book deserves the subtitle “ The fat-free guide to C# and the .NET framework” and should not be overlooked just because you have no plans to take the exam This title cleverly addresses the IT's professional's limited time available to acquire new skills. Nowadays, having knowledge in multiple programming languages, databases, BI, and in other CS fields, is increasingly essential. This book's fast paced approach gets the reader started in C# and the .NET framework in a snap, fulfilling today's demands when working under restricted time requirements. The rest of the review on i-programmer