I wanted to take a look on printing Unicode on the windows console by using the Win32 api and also check how is done in other languages, rather than directly from Perl which hides a lot of details Problems when wanting to print to the console : 1.The windows console uses an internal buffer that can mangle output 2.Invoking the console using the Unicode switch (cmd.exe /u) does not have an effect 3.Windows supports UTF-16 inherently, not utf8 4.Documentation on Unicode and the console is hard to find.MSDN library, as usual, is a labyrinth with no beginning and end where you can loose track easily The need arose when I needed to print an old style dos box using the cp437 box drawing characters on the console using their Unicode code points rather than their ASCII representation. The output was mangled/overlapped Take a look at this pictorial output to get a clear view of the problem The code that generated the incorrect result is : #unicode_box_incorrect.pl use Win32...