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Check Your APIs With Zuplo's Rate My OpenAPI

  Zuplo has launched a new suite of tools that rates the quality of your API, based on its OpenAPI specification. We put it through its paces.
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PostgreSQL 17 Is Released

  with many improvements and features. Let's find out all about them. Despite its age, PostgreSQL isn't declining in popularity. On the contrary it's always ahead of the rest and this release is no exception; it's a mix of performance improvements and new developer features.

Valkey's Expanding Ecosystem

  Valkey, heralded as a better alternative to Redis, has taken the industry by storm. Reinforcing its superiority, a rapidly growing ecosystem is being built around it.

The Data Engineering Vault

  A curated network of knowledge designed to facilitate exploration, discovery, and deep learning in the field of data engineering. Or in other words an encyclopedia on everything about data engineering. Attempts like this are interesting because despite the advent of the LLMs which can answer just about anything, we witness a resurgence in dictionaries/encyclopedias of tech terminology.

Java Version 23 Released

  It was in April 2024 that we had Java 22. Now after just 6 months there's version 23, which is a STS release with lots of features in preview status.