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"Risk-First Software Development: The Menagerie" book review

This first volume of the Risk-First series, looks at managing software projects under an alternative perspective. 

This book draws on the author's long lasting experience with software projects and is based on empirical rather than scientific evidence;
"Is it scientific? No. Is it correct? Almost certainly".
During his career, Rob Moffat came to the conclusion that things don’t match up with the way the books say they should be done. This view was formed when he observed that: 
  • Development Teams put a lot of faith in methodology. Sometimes, this faith is often so strong it borders on religion. For some, this is Prince2. For others, it might be Lean or Agile.
  • Developers put a lot of faith in particular tools too. Some developers are pro-or-anti-Java, others are pro-or-anti-XML. All of them have their views colored by their experiences (or lack of) with these tools.
full article on i-programmer


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